


NOOM is a versatile business software solution for managing, planning and analysing resources which is suitable for companies of all sizes.


NOOM is the only financial management solution on the market that can be fully customised to your company’s business logic. Users of our software appreciate the business benefits provided by its flexibility. Thanks to its modular structure, NOOM has a wide range of standard functionalities and a large capacity for special solutions.


NOOM offers a complete software solution that combines the work of different departments of your company into a whole. Our financial management software allows you to use different modules in a connected way, so that the necessary data automatically reaches all the related parties in the same environment.


Astro Baltics is one of the most experienced business software providers in Estonia, having been operating on the market since 1998. The fact that we are located right here in Estonia gives us several advantages. We approach every client personally and offer a reliable service hand in hand with operational support.


NOOM business software is built of modules. The standard functionality of the modules covers all the simplest and at the same time necessary processes. NOOM software can be customized with additional modules.


Production software

Preparation of sales offers, delivery of materials, production processes, production planning, sales of finished products, calculation of cost price and financial accounting.



NOOM’s accounting software is a good choice for all accountants who are looking for a functional and flexible tool to simplify their daily work.


Payroll and staff

NOOM’s payroll and staff management software helps you to successfully manage your company’s employees. Everything is integrated in one set of software.

Sales software

Manage all of the sales processes related to your company. Flexible and comprehensive systems for both retailers and B2B companies.


Filling stations

Astro Baltics has developed a segment-based software and hardware solution for filling stations. We are the leading filling station solutions provider in the Baltics.


Accommodation software

NOOM’s accommodation module or hotel software includes a wide range of functionalities that make managing your company simple and convenient.


house software

NOOM’s warehouse software (WMS/IMS) solution represents a complete and flexible tool for managing both your warehouse and your entire company.


Customer relationship management

NOOM’s CRM software combines your company’s sales, marketing and customer service into a whole.


NOOM is fully customisable to your company’s business logic. The software is designed for any company, from start-ups to large corporations.

Updates to NOOM

NOOM continues to develop every day. We release the most important updates to our business software on a monthly basis.


September 2024

Documents, Filters, Goods

Documents (

The document header’s additional information fields (additionals), if their type is set to date/time, are now correctly sequenced in time. Previously sorted alphabetically.

Filters (

Before, the value of the text entered in the quick filter was empty when the entered value had already been searched for once. This is now fixed.

Goods (

Added ability to use 5 decimal places in product prices in NOOM (needs separate configuration).

June 2024

Finance, Goods, Customers

Finance (

When adding an advance payment line to the related document, the last advance payment date is now considered the payment date. Previously, the current moment was considered.

Goods / Customers (

In the import window, the width of the first column (field name) can now also be changed in the conversion table.

April 2024

Documents, Retail, Filters, Warehouse

Documents (

When valuing a customer on a document, valuing the sales type did not work if the customer’s department was also valued simultaneously. Now it works.

Documents (

Document turnover data: Previously, if several different types of documents were selected for the report (e.g. LV, LS, XS, etc.), it was not possible to select additional fields in the report. Now, you can choose those additional fields that have a similar description. For example, if different document types have the same additional fields, they can also be selected.

Retail (

The Ingenico (payment terminal) ‘s end-of-day timeout is now 120 seconds instead of the previous 5. In the case of intermittent Internet, the timeout was not long enough, and the process had to be restarted several times; now, the wait is longer.

Retail (

Special diesel refuelling can now be entirely automatically authorized. In the past, changing the restrictions was also possible for the seller in certain situations. In any case, confirmation must be obtained from the relevant state information system.

Filters (

The e-mail contact selection window now includes an old records filter. Additionally, sorting by name now correctly respects upper- and lowercase letters and restriction filters.

Warehouse (

If the inventory has the ‘Storage shelf is mandatory’ switch on, then when entering a new cost price in the inventory line, the shelf was previously required to be selected. It is no longer necessary.

February 2024

Documents, Discounts, Quick filters

Documents (

Additions to the document turnover data report:

1) Now it is possible to filter the report by the quantity of the line: ‘Only with negative quantity’, ‘Only with positive quantity’, ‘Only with 0 quantity’.

2) Now, it is possible to select the text of a row in the information fields of the report (previously, you could select the product name, but it may not be the same as the text of the row).

Documents (

When preparing consolidated invoices, the text field of a document line was always cut to the next line, with a maximum length of 60 symbols. Now, the document line is cut according to the length of the text field in the database.

Discounts (

Additions to the campaign input window:

1) Barcode reading now works in this window.

2) When closing the window or pressing ESC, the question “Save changes?” will now appear.

Quick filters (

A quick filter field value is now stripped of newlines before the filter is applied.


January 2024

Documents, Goods, Customers

Documents (

When opening the documents window, if the last period selection was ‘Without period limit’, it will automatically be changed to ‘Last 31 days’. Without a period limit, the window will be slow when there is a large amount of data, and it does not make sense to use it by default when opening the window.

Documents (

VAT additions:

1) When making a copy of the document, it is now checked whether the document contains any lines that would require updating the VAT code.

2) Refreshing the VAT code when creating a related document and re-saving the document.

3) When changing the date, the VAT code was not updated immediately in the view, now it is fine.

Goods (

A new column ‘Net/gross price’ has been added to the product sales price entry window, which shows the price with VAT if the price of the price class is without VAT and vice versa. This price column can also be edited.

Customers (

In the customer management contacts table, in the events subtable, a double mouse click previously always opened the last event – now it opens the active event.

Documents (

When copying a document or creating a related document for a new day: if the prices of the document include VAT and the VAT code changes in the line, you can now set that the price of the line is also adjusted according to the changed VAT percentage. A new sysconf parameter was created for this purpose, where you can list the asterisk condition of document types and statuses, in which case the recalculation should be applied.


November 2023

Documents, Warehouse, Finance, Personnel, General

Documents / Warehouse (

The option to take a report from another database has been added to the document’s turnover database and the most crucial warehouse reports (stock balance, turnover database, card file, inventory balances and turnovers, multiple reports). For this, the last option in the report dialogue is ‘Database’.

For example, you can make a nightly copy of the database, place it on another server, and run a report from there so that running the report does not slow down the central database. In addition, reports can now be taken from old uncut databases.

Warehouse (

The conditions and options of the object group have been added to the warehouse reports stock balance, turnover data, stock balances and turnovers and multiple reports.

In addition, support for the conversion depending on the date of the report for the use of the VAT code was also added (viewing old documents with the report in the new year, e.g. VAT change).

Documents / Finance (

When making a related document, if a related prepayment is activated and the amount of the related complimentary prepayment is greater than the amount of the new document, the usual customer balance limit notification will not occur.

Finance (

New sysconf parameter to list accounts whose balance is not shown in the customer’s debt amount when entering the document.

For example, you didn’t want to show the balance of the customer’s advance payment account because its amount was related to the advance payments of specific offers (offers are made into related delivery note invoices, and there, the advance payment is automatically transferred from the corresponding document).

Personnel / Users (

You can now change the value of the ‘Employee’ field in the personnel data entry window of the HR module.

General (

When copying data into the ID and search code input fields, all symbols smaller than spaces (ASCII control characters) are now removed.

September 2023

Goods, Product recipes, Virtual fields, Warehouse, Finance, Documents, Tables, Retail

Goods (

In the item selection window, you can now turn on the state as needed, in which case the window is not closed when selecting an item, but the window remains open, the quantity is requested, and the selected item is assigned to the current line of the document.

Previously, such behaviour could be enabled globally with the ‘DOCPRODLOOKOK’ parameter in sysconf. To activate this condition, press the right mouse button on the ‘OK’ button in the item selection window and select ‘In the selection, value the item of the document line without closing the window’ in the menu that opens. The setting is based on the current NOOM session.

Product recipes (

Now, the item selection window mode ‘When selecting, value the product of the document line without closing the window’ in the recipe entry window also works.

Virtual fields (

Added v-fields to salary types.

Added v-fields to the transport plan table.

Warehouse (

The warehouse turnover data can now be assigned a unit of measure to which the quantities of all items in the report are converted. If the quantity of an item cannot be converted to a given unit of measurement, an error message will be displayed, and the report will not be displayed.

Finance (

An advance payment account can now be assigned to the debit account (the advance payment is credited to this account).
In the ledger data table (GL_REGISTER), a new field ADVANCEGLACCOUNT_ID has been added to set it (if it is empty, it works as before).

Documents (

If the user does not have the right to add a document with a certain status and this status is selected in the document table, then by pressing F5 (or ‘New’) previously, a new document was added to the first status, which the user has the right to add. Now, before adding a document, a selection of statuses that can be added is opened.

Tables (

Added the ability to translate the name to the objectives table.

Retail (

It is now possible to change the number of copies of receipts printed by the kitchen.


August 2023

Product recipes, Sets, CRM

Product recipes/Sets (

Additions to the recipe input window related to product selection:

1) The product selection was opened twice before entering the search code or number in the name column. Now fixed.

2) You can now enter the entire search code in the search code field, and the product will be searched only when you leave the field.

Previously, the product selection was opened immediately after the first key press, and this solution sometimes worked strangely (multiple window openings, etc.).


The scheduler’s event and to-do windows are now resizable.

July 2023

Fixed assets, Inventory, Goods, Discounts, General

Fixed assets (

When copying data from the fixed assets report, the value of the grouping field is now also included.

Inventory (

Additions when entering the inventory: added item name column to the inventory line and editable note column. Hotkey F4 was assigned to edit notes.

Goods (

Added new fields to the goods supply table: unit of measure, rounding and old. In addition, fields added later now have headings and other necessary attributes.

Goods (

Additions made to the product groups page in the general data goods window: added the department field, the possibility of inserting an image and headings for the columns. Added translations for new and old fields.

General (

NOOM now supports SVG image files. It is a scalable vector graphics file extension.

General (

Image additions: previously, a side-scrolling bar appeared when fitting an image, which has now been removed.

Discounts (

In the discount table, the customer name field is now editable. In addition to the customer’s name, you can now write the customer’s search code or registration number there. Thanks to this, the name, search code or registration number can be used to find the customer when importing data.


June 2023

Warehouse shelves, Virtual fields

Documents (

Added ‘Old’ switch to warehouse shelves.

Virtual fields (v-fields) (

Added option to insert v-fields:

1. At warehouse shelves
2. In the warehouse-maintenance-objects window
3. When entering the resource into the planner
4. When entering persons

Systematic display of virtual fields (

Now virtual fields can be systematically displayed as the main table’s “Show as table column” column. For this, a switch must be turned on in the v-field definition.

Virtual fields (v-fields) (

Added the possibility to insert v-fields to lots.

Main window display of virtual fields (

Now the virtual fields can be displayed in the main window as a column of the following tables:

1. Table of goods
2. Objects
3. Store shelves
4. Location
5. Workplace
6. Customer table
7. Client branch table

March 2023

Documents, Product recipes

Documents (

When changing a document from one status to another, the customer’s balance limit check did not work correctly. Now sorted.

Product recipes (

User rights checking is now added when editing recipes.


February 2023

POS, Documents, Worktime table, Financial records, User friendliness


The question “Print document?” that appears at the end of the checkout or when saving the document is now closed automatically after 20 seconds. In automatic closing, the default selection occurs, i.e. the document is printed.

Documents (

When making warehouse entries from the document, the recipient of the goods (e.g. if different from the payer) is now taken as the customer for the warehouse entry if the recipient is specified.

Worktime table (

It is now possible to fill in the worktime table also with a minute-based calculation.

Financial records (

In the financial entries window, if a given job does not have a previously selected period limit, 31 days is now taken as the default limit.

User friendliness (

Logging out of NOOM now also closes those windows detached from the main window.

December 2022

Inventory reports, Price updates on product income

Inventory reports (

The maximum number of filters for the warehouse multi-report is now 20 (previously 12), which means that it is now possible to use 20 different combinations/conditions.

Price update of the document (LS) upon entering the warehouse (

Previously, it only worked on LV (out of stock) documents, and when asking for a price update, it didn’t. Now you can also make price scripts that ask for the agreed procurement prices.


November 2022

Inventory additions, Sales documents

Inventory additions (

It is now possible to apply inventory changes without closing the warehouse.

Inventory additions (

For easier inventory management, it is now possible to use a product group filter in the open inventory.

Inventory additions (

Excluding items from an inventory has been made easier.

Queries table (

Opening queries in the query table is now more immediate.

Sales documents (

Multiple checking of the customer’s credit limits both when creating and saving the document.


October 2022

Document turnover database, Working timetable

Document turnover database (

Option added to the document turnover database: custom information fields can now be added to the grouping and information fields. For example, v-fields (virtual fields) from the customer table.

Working timetable (

Based on the working time type, the work timetable can now also be documented in minutes (the default setting was previously in hours).

September 2022

Customer cards, Loyalty program, Inventory, Customers, Goods

Customer cards/loyalty program (

Now you can turn off the point calculation of the customer card on a document-by-document basis. If before it was possible to switch on and off only on the basis of the customer card, now it is also possible to solve several different discounts according to roles, for example with an ID card (private discount, company discount, third discount).

Stock records (

Now, when the status of a document line changes to one that prohibits the creation of a warehouse entry, the existing warehouse entries associated with the line will be deleted. Previously, it was possible to affect inventory items across the entire document collectively (affecting all lines), but now you can also differentiate based on the line. One row creates a stock entry, and the other row does not.

Customers/goods (

In the general data customers and goods window, when using the refresh button, all queries are now updated. Previously, for example, other data and v-fields were not updated.


August 2022

Warehouse turnover data, Warehouse reports, Stock balance reports

Warehouse turnover data (

Improvement of warehouse turnover data: now the name of the customer group is translated into the language of the report. In the customer group, users can enter translations themselves. For example, from Estonian to English.

Enhancement of warehouse reports (

Addition of the warehouse reports “Inventory balance”, “Inventory data”, “Inventory balance and turnovers”: if an account was not assigned to a product but was assigned to a product group, previously these reports did not show accounts for the product group. Now they show.

Inventory balance report (

Inventory balance report: previously, when “show lines with zero balance” was turned on, in certain cases, goods marked as old with zero balance (those that had recent movements) were also displayed in the report. Now old items are no longer displayed.

June 2022

Tax rates for goods

Goods (
It is now possible to link goods to several different tax rates depending on the location. For example, a national sales tax applies to all goods, and state sales taxes are added at different percentages.


May 2022

Inventory, Reports, Stock data

Inventory (
An alternative to closing a warehouse: open entries are no longer deleted and added to closed entries, but all tabs remain in open entries. Reduces the load on local bases when closing a warehouse.

Inventory report (
Now you can sort the report information by name. Added ” Sort by name ” switch.

Additions to stock data in the goods data (
You can now sort this table by all major fields. In the past, the display of orders in this view was slow for large inventory volumes. It is now much faster.


March 2022

Virtual fields, Customer table, Menu, Documents

Virtual fields (
Ability to add virtual fields to tables of objects, jobs, and branches.

Customer table (
The background color field added to the customer, customer group, and customer discount group tables.

Menu (
In the Goods Selection window, select the “Goods Batches” option in the “Panels” menu.

Documents (
When you open a document sent from documents related to the local database, it is now opened from the main database. Most other places where a document is opened for editing behave in the same way.

Documents (
Intermediate blank lines are now removed from the document (not removed from the end) before you start saving the document.

February 2022

Inventory, Documents

Inventory (
Warehouse shelf support added to document lines (STOCKSHELF_ID, STOCKSHELF2_ID).

Explanation: It is now possible to systematically display shelf information in the document lines.

Documents (
The maximum length of additional documents in the document header is now 250 characters (the fields in the database can be lengthened accordingly if desired).

Explanation: The maximum length of the additional fields in the document header is now 250 characters instead of the previous 50 characters.


January 2022

Financial transfers, SSL/TLS

New version of SSL / TLS security components that also supports TLS version 1.2 and 1.3. This security component is used by the e-mail, http, soap and ftp service components.

Financial transfers (
Commodity group condition field (Groups) added to financial transfer operations. Whereas until now it was possible to find entries only by commodity, now it is also possible to do so by commodity group.

December 2021

Customer data entry, WMS inventory, WMS calendar

Additions to the customer data modal input window (
In the past, the table of contacts and bank accounts also showed old entries. They are no longer shown by default.

Additions to the customer data modal input window (
Old entries were also shown by default in the customer selection window. They are no longer shown by default. Also new “All” button was created to see all the old entries.

WMS inventory (
Previously, the inventory results did not match the amount of the financial entry and the amount of the inventory report. Gaps may have occurred during rounding. This part of the inventory has now been fixed.

Inventory entry window update (
A new “WMS” button has been added, which opens a window for stocking the current goods (the user must have the right to see a picture of the warehouse).

Inventory calendar window update (
Added period filter (shows year-old entries by default) and sorting by product group condition column.

November 2021


Documents (
The additional fields in the document row / header can now be set to an amount field.

If the additional contains the weight or volume of a series of goods, it does not make sense to use it as the information field of the report, rather should be used as the amount field. For example, it is now possible to report the weight of goods moving during one month cycle, the amount of packaging volume and other volumes.


October 2021

“PrintDocument” addition, fixed assets, documents

“PrintDocument” addition (
You can now print an open document (that has not been saved). In addition, you can now specify specific document parts which ones will be printed from the document.

Fixed assets (
When copying a fixed asset event, the customer name was not immediately copied along. The customer’s name is now automatically copied along.

Documents (
Header and user defined field names now support translations.


september 2021

Product recipes and sets, Product data unit table

Product recipes/sets (
Readiness for systematic unit conversion. It is now possible to add a different unit of measure to the product recipe / set after the product card. For example, if stock accounting is in kilograms, now the goods can also be entered in grams.

Product recipes/sets (
It is now possible to describe goods on a batch basis. Previously, there was only commodity-based accounting.

Product recipes/sets (
Recipes / sets can now be classified / described by location, job and type.

Product data unit table additions (
In the units or conversion table, you can now enter both fields: unit from and unit into. In addition, the user can now choose which input to enter. You can now choose from all units of measurement, not just those that have a standard conversion to the basic unit of measure for a commodity. In addition, the unit name is now displayed after the unit fields.


august 2021

Replicator, Retail, Person information input window

Replicator addition (
If the warehouse entry document had not been closed for a long time, the request to warehouse entries may have become slow – now the whole process has been accelerated.

Retail (
You can now turn on the possibility for all users to see and open other users already opened tables.

Person information input window (
There is now a ”email” and ”profession” input rows in the input window. Previously it could be entered through only finance data or person’s data views.


june 2021

Replicator, reports, loyalty cards, WMS, planner

New replicator (
Customer debt replicator is now much faster.

Reports (
Some debt ledger reports (including financial reports) are generated now much faster.

Adding a customer card (
When adding a new ID-card as a customer card, you can now completely exclude adding a persons information. Previously, a check mark could be turned on in the creation window, and information still appeared.

The modal warehouse entries window can now be resized and saved as default. By default, window is now maximum size.

Planner (
Planner now shows searching code before the goal code.

may 2021

Documents, fuel station retail updates, quick filters, WMS, product prescriptions

Documents (
When making a document related to the prepayment, the prepaid amount goes to the successor document without opening the payment window. Previously, the payment window had to be opened.

Fuel station retail updates (
If the pump has two refuelings in memory, one of them must be activated before sending the refueling basket. Previously, the first one was automatically activated. In addition, the pump icon now shows how many refuelings are yet to be sold.

Quick filters (
The hotkey for hiding the quick filter is now ctrl + backspace. Previously, there was only backspace, and if 1 character was deleted too far, the entire instant filter disappeared.

Open warehouse cost supplement: the order no longer affects the current cost calculation.

Product prescription update for the recipe set input window (
Additional fields can be described in the recipe lines and selected through selection tables. Checks on the correctness of the recipe entry can now be added to the recipe recording. For example, restrictions, permits, structural controls, etc.


april 2021

Replicator, documents, client base updates


march 2021

POS, documents, turnover documents, payment terminals, warehouse software, cost price calculation updates


february 2021

Turnover documents, payroll module, cost price calculation, warehouse software, user rights updates


january 2021

Warehouse software entries, payroll module, API, payment terminal updates


december 2020

Cloudicsi warehouse solution & Cloudics shopping solution, API, warehouse software updates


november 2020

Accounting software, labor cost, production management software updates


october 2020

Receipts and checks in NOOM and customer debts updates


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