









Production management (MRP)

NOOM production management software helps you successfully manage all of your company’s manufacturing processes. All integrated into one set of software: preparation of sales offers, delivery of materials, production processes and planning, sale of finished products, calculation of cost price and financial accounting.

Users of our MRP software enjoy a real-time overview of orders in progress, deadlines, materials, expenses and resources, all of which help to analyse the efficiency of a company and increase its profitability.

For Astro Baltics, no client is too big or too small, they consider the client’s real needs and possibilities. If the work process deviates from the NOOM standard, we always try to find a smart solution for it, which does not lead to extensive additional costs from software development, but at the same time, adapts NOOM to our needs. If you prefer to work with motivated people who in addition to their profession, also understand humour and other people, then Astro Baltics is definitely a good choice!

Krista Reimann (La Muu Financial Manager)

We have been using NOOM’s production software since 2020. The implementation period before switching to NOOM was quick and professionally organised. Due to the integration of the production software with NOOM’s accounting software, which we have been using since 2003, everyday use of the program is particularly effective. A quick cost calculation from current commodity prices, actual working time and equipment occupancy allow me to, as a manager, monitor production efficiency in real time.

Kait Lukka (BHC CEO)


Planning of production by day, week and month.



Graphic visualization of corporate data in real-time, following predifined parameters.

  • Example parameters: turnover (top customers), volume and statuses of incomplete orders, delivery reliability, production plan and its execution.
  • Data comparison with specific periods and filtering by product groups.



Resource occupancy reflects real-time occupancy of machines, processes, and lines in production.

  • It is possible to monitor resource utilization with hourly accuracy by day, week or month.
  • Resources can be divided into groups, for example based on lines, machines or processes.
  • The working time occupation calendar takes into account planned maintenance and downtime.
  • A detailed overview of resource utilization for a specific period.



Start and finish manufacturing tasks on a mobile device on the production floor or remotely.

  • Assigning production tasks to a particular production unit or assembly line.
  • Workforce can view prior production tasks and their statuses, the materials checklist, and the task completion by percentage.
  • A separate screen displays every active production order, simplifying the process of continuing or finishing a task.
  • An option to display product/part blueprints, work process guidelines, and other information.

Purchase needs


Dynamic creation of purchase recommendations, considering deadlines for production orders, inventory, supplier delivery days, transport times, minimum and maximum quantities of goods, future purchase orders.

  • Aggregate purchase needs by supplier, salesperson, product group and deadline.
  • When determining the quantity of the recommended purchase requirement, the stock-based minimum and maximum amounts of the materials are also taken into account.
  • A comprehensive overview of the distribution of inventory requirements.
  • Recommended quantities specified in purchase orders can be changed, and users can manually edit documents.
  • Orders can be sent directly to the vendor through NOOM.

Availability of resources

MRP and resource availability

Material Requirements Planning (MRP) recommends real-time production order deadlines based on material and production resource availability. In addition, it provides recommendations for rescheduling production orders already in progress.

  • Analyzes production orders, inventory availability and central production plan to calculate material requirements to meet the production plan.
  • The planner can see in real-time the quantitative distribution of materials and resources by production orders, the arrival date of the materials and the estimated completion date of the production orders.
  • The quantities/hours of missing materials and resources are displayed on a first-in-first-out (FIFO) basis.
  • The arrival time of the ordered materials is displayed according to the required quantity and division according to the production orders.
  • When calculating the deadlines for finished products, the deadlines for semi-finished products and materials are taken into account.



An important functionality of NOOM’s manufacturing software is the calculation of the assumed cost price for each product with different dynamics, taking into account work operations and materials.

  • Inventory price of materials in stock
  • Cost of materials based on future price lists
  • The last cost of material input


Cost can be calculated on a project, customer, product, inventory and batch basis. In addition, the cost price can be influenced by the costs of later added resources. Later, it is possible to analyze the differences between the calculated cost price of the recipe and the production cost price.



The overview of orders provides detailed information on the status of work operations by semi-finished and finished products.

  • Order feedback in real-time.
  • Order completion percentage.
  • One-click overview of all orders.


With the Basic production package, get a first overview of your production in just 30 days.


The package includes licenses for NOOM production software for up to five workstations. The number of users at workplaces is not limited.


Automatic creation of purchase needs and recommendations based on inventory, vendor delivery days, and minimum and maximum product quantities.


All warehouses used by the company can be added to NOOM. Thanks to virtual warehouse sharing, it is possible to create an unlimited number of warehouse objects.

Resource occupancy

Resource occupancy reflects the real-time occupancy of machines and lines in production.


From the offer to the delivery of the finished product – all completely in one software!


Tellimuste ülevaade annab detailse informatsiooni tööoperatsioonide staatusest valmis-ja pooltoodete järgi.


Production planning, aggregating, confirming, sequencing and prioritizing production orders.


The work log provides comprehensive feedback on production, and the status of production orders is reflected in all departments.

Linked documents

The logic of linked documents – all documents and conditions entered into the production software are linked.

What is BASIC production?

It is a standardized and preset production software package that covers the basic needs of production, starting with digitization.

The package includes initial implementation, setup , user creation, and training. The one-time cost of the entire production software implementation is €7,500+km.

Read more about the Basic production package standard here.

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    We have experience and knowledge of the specifics and challenges of digitisation from various industries.

    Metal & Machinery






    You can add all of the warehouses used by the company to NOOM – raw material warehouses and warehouses for half-finished products and finished products in different locations. The number of warehouses is not limited. You can also manage materials in NOOM based on the supplier code. All actions related to orders automatically affect the available stock of materials and products in warehouses.

    In creating a manufacturing order, the materials required for manufacturing are booked in the warehouse and supplier-based purchasing needs are automatically created for any missing materials, subject to further administration by the purchasing manager. Users of NOOM have a real-time overview of the stock available in warehouses, of orders and of actions related to warehouses. The software includes substantial capacity for report queries using different characteristics and periods.

    • The number of warehouses is not limited
    • Purchase of material based on the supplier’s code
    • Batch accounting
    • Detailed reporting and analysis
    • Warehouse shelf management
    • Inventory
    • Inventory planning


    All documents entered in the production management software are interconnected. This means that at any stage of a document – offer, client order, need for purchase, manufacturing order, manufacturing instrument or delivery note/invoice – it is possible to access other documents related to the document with just a few clicks.

    The conditions of related documents change according to the conditions of other documents. As such, the manufacturing department constantly receives information about the supply of raw materials, while the sales department receives information about when their orders are likely to be completed.

    • Traceability
    • Real-time document status
    • Order-based needs for materials
    • Order summary
    • Cost estimate
    • Batches of materials and finished products


    In order for the production management software to function and in order to accurately plan movements in warehouses, you must add manufacturing ‘recipes’ and other vital parameters in NOOM before commencing production.

    You can add the material expenses along with the material loss percentage and the required equipment and the staff resources required for the recipes. NOOM automatically calculates manufacturing unit prices in the recipe view according to the input data. When manufacturing on the basis of a recipe, once the customer order is confirmed, you know how long completing the order will take and whether you have all of the required materials in the warehouse to start manufacturing. Recipes are bidirectional, which means that it is possible to assemble the product from source materials on the basis of the recipe or to divide the source materials into smaller products.

    • Multi-level BOM
    • Simple structure
    • Unit conversion
    • Two-way
    • Possibility to exchange materials at the time of sale
    • Net and gross cost of materials
    NOOM can also be conveniently connected to access systems


    In addition to the regular functionality, NOOM can also be conveniently connected to access systems.

    Interfacing the software with access systems ensures accurate working time accounting. When linking working time accounting to the payroll and staff module of NOOM, all working time data are transferred directly to the payroll system, as a result of which the salary of each employee is calculated.

    • Working time accounting
    • Interfacing
    • Payroll
    • Hardware

    Cost price

    An important function of NOOM’s production management software is the calculation of the cost price of each product.


    Cost pricing

    NOOM allows you to conveniently and quickly calculate the cost price for each product.



    Cost accounting includes direct material costs, work purchased for the manufacturing of the product (subcontracting), labour costs and production overheads.


    Cost price

    When preparing product recipes, you can find out the calculated cost price of the product. The finished product is registered in the warehouse at the manufacturing cost price after preparing the manufacturing instruments.



    Later, it is possible to analyse the reasons for differences in the calculated cost price of the recipe and the manufacturing cost price.

    Sales software

    Users of NOOM are able to prepare offers for clients, enter the potential products, amounts and prices and then conveniently submit them via e-mail. It is also possible to inform the person making the offer of the conditions for receiving the customer’s credit. When confirming the offer (entering the order), conditions can be used and manufacturing orders connected to the order can be created.

    On the basis of the source data entered, the software calculates an estimated delivery term for the finished products. Thus, NOOM is very convenient in planning sales on the basis of delivery speed, warehouse stock and manufacturing capacity.

    Sisestatud algandmete põhjal arvutab tarkvara eeldusliku valmistoodete tarnetähtaja, selle tõttu on NOOMiga mugav planeerida tarnekiiruse, laovarude ning tootmisvõimekuse alusel müüki.

    • Offers
    • Orders
    • Invoices
    • Transaction planning

    Customer management

    The customer relationship management solution allows you to conveniently manage your entire customer base, including your company’s human resources. All contact details, contracts and agreements, offers, orders and invoices related to clients are fully available using one set of software. Customer relationship management software integrates your company’s sales processes, marketing and customer service.

    Various reports can be prepared to analyse customer data and transactions. Each customer can create their own customer card, which displays products and documents related to them, various events, offers, purchase and sales transactions, discounts and payment history.Notifications can be sent to customers by e-mail or SMS.

    Thanks to the flexibility of the solution, you can also organise, automate and plan the work of your departments. You can schedule specific tasks, appointments and events for employees.

    • Contract management
    • Project and contact management
    • Customer analysis
    • Reporting
    • Customer notifications


    The financial accounting solutions available in NOOM are linked to almost 10 modules, which allow the entire company’s work processes to be managed comprehensively in one set of software.

    Financial entries from documents are produced automatically based on the data entered. Transactions are interconnected and can be easily monitored. The module enjoys good connectivity with online solutions used in accounting. SEPA payment exports and imports are fully functional. This allows you to administer bank payments and receipts quickly and easily.

    NOOM’s accounting solution allows you to submit queries under different conditions in order to obtain substantial financial reports, account for fixed assets and easily configure the chart of accounts, the balance sheet and the income statement according to the needs of the company. Additionally, sending and receiving e-invoices allows for paper-free accounting.

    • Configurable balance sheet and income statement
    • Configurable chart of accounts
    • Automatic financial entries
    • Paper-free accounting
    • SEPA payments
    • E-invoices
    • Fixed asset accounting

    Payroll and staff

    NOOM’s payroll and staff management software allows you to conveniently manage the employees of the entire company (full-time and part-time employees and members of the management board and supervisory board) in one place.

    By entering the required source data in the payroll and software module – the personal data of employees plus their contract data, including remuneration – the software allows you to prepare working time schedules for employees working on the basis of different types of contract.

    The online table of working time allows you to enter working hours regardless of location. The table can be used on different (smart) devices. In addition to manufacturing, you can manage and monitor the working time of employees. Payroll accounting and the required reports are included in one place. NOOM is able to calculate remuneration for both work done at time rates and piece-work. In addition to the regular functionality, the software can be connected to various access systems in order to facilitate the more accurate calculation of working time.

    • The number of employees is not limited
    • Work at time rates and piece-work
    • Calculation of working time in production
    • Connectivity with EMTA
    • Thorough reporting.

    Industry 4.0

    This is the application of innovative technologies throughout the supply chain to make more efficient use of industrial resources. It supports the emergence of smart new products and thus innovative business models in industry.



    Digitalisation of production means applying modern IT solutions in production to increase revenue or reduce costs.

    New sensors, more data and advanced analytics allow companies to innovate processes and achieve smarter production and higher productivity.


    Real-time overview

    NOOM provides users with a complete overview of processes and conditions in real time thanks to technological feedback-systems at both the automated API level and the user level.



    In order to improve the efficiency of manufacturing and identify potential bottlenecks, you are able to monitor the working time spent on completing an order as well as expenses, production losses and the efficiency of employees’ working time.



    NOOM allows you to add basic data, i.e. persons who can be linked to work positions, alongside the measuring devices needed to monitor the entire process.

    The basic data can also be machine-operating standards or production lines to which work operations can be linked and machines can be integrated beneath the line.

    With the help of modern software, the production manager can monitor the entire production cycle.

    Thanks to NOOM’s flexibility, it can be successfully integrated with all of your industrial equipment

    IT equipment

    Thanks to NOOM’s flexibility, it can be successfully integrated with all of your industrial equipment. The software can be interfaced with existing hardware as well as new devices. The result is an all-in-one software solution.

    Scanners, scales, tablets, label printers and other industrial equipment from popular brands such as Zebra, Getac and Datalogic.

    • Industrial equipment
    • Hardware
    • IT equipment

    Get to know NOOM

    Production management

    Exclusively from Estonia: NOOM production management software will help you successfully manage all of your company’s manufacturing processes. All integrated into one set of software. Ask us for an offer!

    chipSelect package arrow chipOverview


    330€ /month



    610€ /month

    • API


    775€ /month

    • API


    If you did not find a suitable solution for you in our previously described packages, please feel free to contact us.

    We know that every company is unique and may therefore require a special approach.
    The modular structure of NOOM ensures a high capacity for special solutions, and therefore we can offer our customers complete software solutions that fit like a tailor’s suit.

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      * VAT is not included. * Prices are valid from 01.01.2024.