Every customer has a unique journey

Give the customer a reason to visit your energy station

Klientidele peaaegu täiusliku kogemuse pakkumiseks peavad jaemüüjad võimaldama erinevaid makseviise, mis vastavad erinevatele klienditeekondadele ja eelistustele. Milles seisneb väljakutse? Igal kliendi teekond on ainulaadne.

Cloudicsi mobiilirakendusega on võimalik tankida 28 Jetoili jaamas

Cloudics’ refueling network expanded: Jetoil AS

We are glad to announce that fuel selling company Jetoil AS has joined Cloudics refueling network. Since the end of 2021 new and innovative Cloudics mobile app can be used for refueling in 28 Jetoil stations all over Estonia!

Cloudics mobile payment solution can benefit a company as well

Cloudics mobile payment solution’s benefits for a company

Cloudics mobile payment solution is a smart way to reach company’s technology aware customers and to offer them extra options and convenience. Here are 4 important points of how a company can benefit from the solution.